Cesar Lujan has always been attracted to stones even as a young boy, but his fascination for crystals only became apparent when he was living in New York City as an adult. He had already purchased over 200 different types of crystals for their various metaphysical properties and couldn’t get enough. He wanted to learn all he could.
He then had an opportunity to move to Los Angeles five years ago, and it was there that he had time and space to dedicate himself to holistic healing.
As of then, he became a:
Certified Raindrop Technique Specialist
Master and Teacher of Crystal Healing
Master & Teacher of Sound Healing
Karuna Reiki
Holy Fire III World Peace Usui Reiki
Metatronia Therapy
He has taken time and dedication to learn and grow his craft because he thoroughly enjoys helping others. His passion is to create a beautiful energetic experience and environment for you that will give you rest, relief, and relaxation. He provides five different types of energetic healing modalities to assist you in your wellbeing. Some of these techniques may be combined for an added cost and length of time, but other modalities are standalone therapies that require their own energetic work.
He also enjoys creating healing jewelry, amulets, and meditation tools as well. He can create a custom, replicate or intuitively create a piece of jewelry for your healing purpose. Each piece is created with your intention in mind.