Metatronia Therapy & Source Vibration
Metatronia Therapy® is Source vibration. This sacred vibration received through Archangel Metatron aligns you to Divine light. It is not only bound to healing as it works to assist the vibrational alignment that in turn assists the Ascension process. The light works to your own unique energy/vibratory signature. The Divine light Dynamics have a specific purpose which is to assist mankind's Alchemical Light transmutation. It is ever altering, expanding and moving in line with Source light harmonics. We use the term "Therapy" in relation to the human vessel being assisted by the light of the One, through healing and vibrational alignment as it evolves into Divine Human. Therapy is not used in the conventional term, here.
Metatronia Therapy is involved in the Bioenergetics* ('*energy flow through living systems') - the Energy transformation with the human system from connection with higher light vibrational codings thus aligning the human vessel with the true light blueprint. It may be termed as "Electro-medicine". We are awakening to a new state of being, a higher, conscious awareness of the greater reality. The truth that we are becoming as we open to the dynamics of Source. It can be applied through physical and distant application. MT is the magnification and amplification of Source light within the Human Vessel.
"This vibrational integration is formed from the intelligent and most conscious life Light (the encoded light from which all is created). Metatron is assisting the re-integration with "Divine Wisdom" that "vibrationally" restores and alters the physical vessel back into its divine body of light through ethereal and "bio-chemical" interaction and restructuring".
This Therapy can be experienced in person or at home. The energy of Metatronia knows exactly where and when to go as long as it is activated. An in person session will be more expensive as I will be present with you in order to facilitate the session; however, you will still have a very similar experience in the privacy of your own home as these therapeutic sessions are guided by source vibration without the need for a conduit like myself.
My Source Connection
During a journey of self exploration a couple of years ago, I was able to tap into source energy made available to me. The experience created a sense of being encompassed by a vortex of electric current that was running all around me. I was intuitively inspired to create unique symbols to bring forth that specific energy and create that encompassing of being. This is a very unique feeling that I have never felt with any other energy before. I am truly grateful to be able to share it with you!
I utilize this gift the same way that I use my other energetic therapies. I call forth the energy present, set the intention for the wanted results, and I will beem the energy all around you. I will feel your energetic being and see if there are any areas that need direct application of this energy. I will concurrently use crystals and sound to enhance the healing taking place for a truly encompassing, one of a kind, experience.